eCureMe's Growth
Since its launch in the Spring of 2001, eCureMe.com has been growing its audience reach and traffic volume quickly and consistently.
The last quarter of 2003 came in with particularly sharp increases. And with all measures continuing to climb, eCureMe is poised to
become a leader in the health information marketplace.
Alexa Ratings
According to Amazon.com’s Alexa ratings system, eCureMe.com’s three month average traffic rank reached 19, 338 in January,
2004 - a new high, up 4,808 spots in three months. In the same three month period, our reach per-millions-of-users jumped 24%.
Total Hits
The numbers tell the story, and eCureMe’s total hit numbers show substantial, steady growth into 2004. In January of 2004 eCureMe
registered 13,148,646 hits - a new high.
Total Unique Visitors
The number of distinct web-surfers visiting eCureMe is on the rise as well. 194,232 logged in last month.